Monday, July 29, 2013

Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex

I had wanted to blog this for a long time.

A lot of press is given to post-partum depression but very little is said about D-MER or Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex.
It is an abrupt surfacing of negative emotions just before milk release in breastfeeding moms and won't last more than a few minutes.
I had this with my second baby in the first few weeks.As soon as she would latch on and suck,for a few seconds ,I would start feeling hopeless,lonely and desperate as if all is lost.Then as the milk starts flowing,the feeling would go away.I have always had hormonal issues, and a very active PMS,so I knew immediately it was due to my hormones.
I never felt this way with my first child.
Dopamine is a hormone that needs to be lowered in order for prolactin-the milk hormone to release.It has been found that an abnormal dip in dopamine,more than what is needed,is the cause of D-Mer.
In the beginning,I had some supply issues,and was told by my doctor about prescribing a medication that lowers dopamine to release milk.Luckily I did my research and found out that I already was having this condition,and wondered if lowering my dopamine levels further would have serious side effects.

The way I coped with D-Mer is by talking to someone while baby first latches,which distracts me or eating something comforting ,like a warm breakfast,decaf coffee or browsing and reading,so I won't be too bothered by the mood changes.Sure enough,after a few weeks ,the whole  mood swing thing went away.

Here is a link to what I was reading:

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